UAS Fleet

The company uses its own fleet of aircraft in 57 regions of the country to solve tasks in various sectors of the economy.

Helicopter-type unmanned aircraft systems possess a high specific load capacity and excellent maneuverability.

Airplane-type unmanned aircraft systems possess a high speed, long duration and height of flight.

Drone-type unmanned aircraft systems with vertical take-off and landing are most effective in locations where there are no conditions for operation of airplane-type UAS.

Unmanned aircraft systems

Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is an aircraft and related to it elements that are operated without a pilot on board. UAS, as a rule, consists of an unmanned aircraft, payload and ground support equipment.

Application of UAS for aerial photography

The prerequisites for UAS utilization as a new photogrammetric tool are the disadvantages of two traditional methods of obtaining the Earth remote sensing data using space satellites and manned aerial vehicles.
Satellite photography data allows to obtain images with a maximum commonly available resolution of 0.5 m, which is not enough for large-scale mapping. In addition, sometimes it is not possible to find cloudless images from in the archive. In the case of customized photography, the data obtaining operativeness is lost.
Traditional aerial photography performed by means of airplanes requires high economic costs for maintenance and fuel filling, which leads to final services increased cost.

Advantages of UAS:

ability of photography from low heights and near objects, obtaining of high-resolution images;
quickness of getting images;
possibility of utilization in emergency zones without risk to life and health of pilots.

Utilization of UAS for cargo delivery

UAS can operate in conditions of poor visibility, as well as deliver urgent cargo to remote facilities or remote settlements faster and cheaper than traditional ground transport without endangering health of pilots.


economy of means for staff and fleet maintenance;
reduction of delivery time by 2 times at least;
high specific load capacity;
the ability to take-off and land vertically on the unprepared airfield sites.