Aerial photography
Aeromax provides comprehensive solutions for aerial photography using unmanned aerial systems. The company performs flight and picture-taking work and photogrammetric processing of the obtained data with the further making of geo-spatial solutions based on them.
Availability of corporate production of unmanned aircraft, aerial cameras and gyro-stabilized platforms allows to select the optimal solution for tasks of any complexity. The fleet of the company consists of variable aircraft, including airplane-type Д-20 unmanned aircraft with a flight duration of up to 10 hours and MK-4 and MK-6 drones which can carry a load of up to 2 kg during 80 minutes.
The aircraft and aerial survey equipment type is selected individually with regard to tasks of the customer, which allows to achieve the required performance and quality of the obtained data. The area of the site covered by aerial photography using a single UAV can reach 500 km2 per day. Photography is carried out by calibrated full-frame cameras with high-class optics ensuring the images’ spatial resolution up to 1 cm/pixel.
Aerial photographs in original resolution with the exact coordinates of the photographing centers and the orientation angles of the aerial camera.
Field of application:
- photogrammetric processing;
- decoding.
Making of stereo models according to GOST R 58854-2020 “Photogrammetry. Requirements for making of oriented aerial photographs for construction of stereo models of built-up territories”.
Field of application:
- solution of cadastral tasks;
- urban construction.
Orthophotoplans of scales 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 and 1:10000.
Field of application:
- creation of topographic and thematic maps and plans;
- monitoring of changes;
- navigation services;
- geoinformation systems.
The digital terrain model displays all the terrain objects visible during survey: land plots, vegetation, buildings and structures. If necessary, it can be visualized with a photorealistic texture. A digital relief model displays the earth surface. Both types of models can be represented as a raster elevation map or triangles irregular net (TIN).
Field of application:
- creation of topographic and thematic maps and plans;
- monitoring of changes;
- design and visualization of project solutions;
- creation of infrastructure facilities’ digital twins;
- navigation services and geoinformation systems;
- cinema and mass media, VR, AR.
Presentation of the external surface of an object with a density of 1 point per 1-16 pixels of the original image when creating a photogrammetric dense cloud. Dense clouds of points can be classified, as well as visualized based on photography data.
Field of application:
- 3D-modeling;
- cartography;
- designing;
- creation of infrastructure facilities’ digital twins.
Digital topographic plans and scale maps 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 and 1:10000. Theme maps and plans for solving various industry tasks.
Field of application:
- cartography;
- designing;
- navigation services;
- geoinformation systems.
Aerial photographs in original resolution with the exact coordinates of the photographing centers and the orientation angles of the aerial camera.
Field of application:
- photogrammetric processing;
- decoding.
Making of stereo models according to GOST R 58854-2020 “Photogrammetry. Requirements for making of oriented aerial photographs for construction of stereo models of built-up territories”.
Field of application:
- solution of cadastral tasks;
- urban construction.
Orthophotoplans of scales 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 and 1:10000.
Field of application:
- creation of topographic and thematic maps and plans;
- monitoring of changes;
- navigation services;
- geoinformation systems.
The digital terrain model displays all the terrain objects visible during survey: land plots, vegetation, buildings and structures. If necessary, it can be visualized with a photorealistic texture. A digital relief model displays the earth surface. Both types of models can be represented as a raster elevation map or triangles irregular net (TIN).
Field of application:
- creation of topographic and thematic maps and plans;
- monitoring of changes;
- design and visualization of project solutions;
- creation of infrastructure facilities’ digital twins;
- navigation services and geoinformation systems;
- cinema and mass media, VR, AR.
Presentation of the external surface of an object with a density of 1 point per 1-16 pixels of the original image when creating a photogrammetric dense cloud. Dense clouds of points can be classified, as well as visualized based on photography data.
Field of application:
- 3D-modeling;
- cartography;
- designing;
creation of infrastructure facilities’ digital twins.
Digital topographic plans and scale maps 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000 and 1:10000. Theme maps and plans for solving various industry tasks.
Field of application:
- cartography;
- designing;
- navigation services;
- geoinformation systems.