Forest management in the territory of the Smirnykhovsky forest division of the Sakhalin region

Customer: Ministry of ecology of the Sakhalin region

Forest management was carried out in the territory of the Pervomaisky district forest division of the Smirnykhovsky forest division of the municipal formation of the city district Smirnykhovsky of the Sakhalin region on a total area of 186,517 hectares.
The field stage of the work was carried out by sight estimation method of valuation and analytical and measuring decoding of aerial photography according to the third valuation category according to the current Forest Management Instructions.

Beginning of works — August 2020, end — December 2020.
During the cameral works the attributive and cartographic information obtained after field works was checked.
The materials used during forests valuation were digitized, namely photographic sketch: the boundaries of forest valuation allotments, compartment, hydrographic and road network.
Activities for protection, safety and regeneration of forests were scheduled.
Proposals for design of operational, protective and reserve forests, as well as specially protected areas of forests were prepared and approved.
Based on the results of forest exploitation, the forest management documentation has been compiled (explanatory note, valuation description, forest management tablets, plantation plans, schematic maps and thematic forest)