Forest management works in the territory of the Republic of Karelia

Customer: Joint Stock Company Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill (part of Segezha Group)

In 2021, Aeromax Company completed the first preparatory stage of forest management in the territory of the Medvezhegorsky forest division of the Republic of Karelia. In 2022, the field and cameral works will be carried out, including the forests valuation of according to the 3rd valuation category by sight estimation method and using materials of Earth remote sensing (ERS).

Works beginning – September 2021, end – December 2022.
The total area of the object of valuation – 395,111 hectares.

Under the preparatory stage in 2021 the following was performed:

The boundaries of organized object of the compartment network, the boundaries of forests for the targeted purpose and protective forests categories, including specially protected forest areas, forests located in specially protected areas and in water protection zones were clarified and agreed.
The valuation, geodetic and planning and cartographic materials of the previous forest management were collected and analyzed.
The preliminary contour decoding was carried out taking into account all changes of the inter-revision period, orthophotoplans were prepared.
A training site was established and a collective training was carried out on the territory of the Shalgovaarsky district forest division of the Medvezhyegorsky forest division.

Under the field stage in 2022 is carried out:

Forests valuation.
Transfer of attribute information from valuation cards to electronic form, control and data processing using specialized software.

Based on the forest management results, it is planned to develop a forest development project under two lease contracts, determine the annual allowable amount of wood removal and schedule activities for forests protection and reproduction.