Aerial photography for creation of the region engineering topographic plan

For preparing of the landscaping project an update of the engineering and topographic plan of the area within the boundaries of the cadastral plots of the Customer was carried out. St. Petersburg, Vasilievsky Island.

Tasks to be solved:

A full range of work for obtaining the necessary permits to perform both ground geodetic works and aerial photography
Aerial photography with subsequent instrumental geodetic control and survey of underground utilities
Preparation of a 1:500 scale engineering and topographic plan
Preparation of a technical report on the work performed
Coordination of underground communications with operators

Advantages of the technology:

Optimization of the works cost by reducing the period of field work production
Increasing the productivity of creating an engineering topographic plan
Fixing the terrain state on a specific date by creating the object digital twin
Possibility of seamless integration with portals and geospatial information funds
High representativeness of reporting materials